Beginner Lessons (2.0) – Monday, Friday 10am – Sport Courts. Open to all SVE members, no club membership required, but you must have a signed waiver on file.
There are two training sessions. The first session starts in October, and the second session starts early January. Watch the Calendar for exact starting dates. Sign-up sheets are placed on the courts a week or two prior to lessons starting.
Learn the basic rules, good ready position, work on serve/return skills, basic ground-stroke, intro to third shot drop, dinks, and especially having fun on the court! Participants are encouraged to join the club, but it’s not a requirement.
Novice/Beginner – 2.0 Skill level
• Learns proper ready position, understands basic rules, scoring
• Working on consistent serves
• Understands return of serve objective
• Knows where to stand as the serve team and the return team
• Demonstrates basic pendulum swing on the forehand & backhand groundstrokes
• Learns dinks forehand & backhand
• Has good mobility and can move forward in a safe and balanced manner
After 6 weeks, participants automatically graduate. Players are encouraged to join the club and participate in Low-Intermediate lessons.