Tennis Sweet Spot Patio
The Tennis Club invites all residents out to their open house to check out the Sweet Spot and the remodel project they are working on. They would love to have…
The Tennis Club invites all residents out to their open house to check out the Sweet Spot and the remodel project they are working on. They would love to have…
View details. Send your suggestions to
Italian Sausage Dinner - Pickleball Fundraiser 3-6PM in the auditorium
The February Pickleball Club meeting will be held at 2PM on the 9th
Biscuits, Gravy and Sausage Sunrise Breakfast Sponsored by Silversmith/Lapidary Club Biscuits, Gravy and Sausage Sunrise Breakfast
Hosted by the Nominating Committee, the candidates for the HOA board will be given an opportunity to answer questions from the committee. There will be a chance for residents to…
Tournament format: The Big Shots, co-captained by Dave and Jude Hardes will compete against the The Dinking
Dynasty, co-captained by Jeff and Janine Nielsen. Each division will play 6 round robin games with each match scoring 2
for the win, 0 for the loss, 1 for a tie for your team.
We always need a quorum in case there is a vote. Please plant to attend!
End of the Year Pickleball Party will be Saturday, March 29th with dinner and dancing! Doors open at 5:00 with an hour of social time and dinner served at 6:00.…